The Best Legal Representation A Father Can Have
The Best LegalRepresentation A Father Can Have

Divorce Lawyer in Houston

Helping Clients Begin the Next Chapter of Their Lives

If you are a father who is suddenly facing a divorce, you may feel like the playing field is stacked against you. Many Texas husbands believe that state courts automatically favor wives and mothers. Although it may seem as though women receive preferential treatment regarding spousal support or child custody issues, Texas laws do not favor one party over the other.

Nevertheless, anyone going through divorce proceedings must have a skilled lawyer who can help them navigate the complex legal process to protect their rights and interests. Legal issues such as property division and child support can have long-term consequences and should be handled by legal professionals familiar with Texas family law.

The Aberdeen Law Firm of Houston, TX, is passionately committed to helping fathers receive fair treatment and obtaining a divorce settlement that is favorable to them.

Contact our law office today to schedule a , confidential consultation so that we may evaluate your needs and determine what legal strategies are available.

Is Texas a No-Fault Divorce State?

Texas law offers couples several options if they wish to divorce. The most common choice is a no-fault divorce, in which neither party must prove wrongdoing. A spouse can divorce the other without having to give a reason or simply citing “irreconcilable differences” meaning there is no hope of a reconciliation between the two spouses.

However, Texas family law also allows a spouse to file a “fault-based” divorce alleging wrongdoing on the other spouse’s part. Fault grounds include:

  • Adultery
  • Abandonment
  • Living apart
  • Cruelty
  • Felony conviction
  • Mental incapacitation

Cruelty is a broad-based term that can include physical and mental abuse by a spouse.

Additionally, a spouse has the right to contest a divorce. However, contested divorces can take significantly longer to resolve and cost more money in the long run.

If you are still determining which option may be right for your situation, contact our Houston, TX, law firm to schedule an appointment to discuss your legal options.

How is Property Divided in Texas Divorce Cases?

One of the most hotly contested aspects of divorce in Texas involves the division of property between spouses. Texas is a community property state, meaning that all assets acquired by spouses during the marriage are considered marital assets and will be divided between the spouses. Marital assets may include:

  • Houses
  • Real property
  • Vehicles
  • Checking and savings
  • Investments

In an uncontested divorce, spouses typically work out a mutual agreement as to how their assets should be divided. However, as often is the case, many soon-to-be former spouses cannot agree on property division.

When spouses cannot agree, Texas courts will decide how the assets should be split between them. Some of the primary factors that the court considers include:

  • Each spouse’s earning capacity
  • The degree of fault that caused the end of the marriage.
  • Need for support.

One of the most relevant family law issues is who will keep the family home. The court may consider child custody issues, whether the home is community property and any prenuptial or postnuptial agreements that have been made.

What Happens if Me and My Spouse Cannot Agree About Child Support Issues?

Texas family law has specific guidelines for settling child support issues. In an uncontested divorce, the two divorcing parents can work out a child support and custody agreement that is mutually beneficial. However, even if parents work out child support obligations independently, a family court judge must still review the agreement to ensure it is in the child’s best interests.

If couples are not able to agree on issues such as child custody or support, the court may order them to participate in court-ordered mediation. During mediation, both parties meet with a neutral third-party mediator who helps them reach an agreement.

Parents who have been ordered to participate in mediation should always have family law attorneys who can advise them of their legal rights during negotiations. However, if the parents still cannot agree, just as with other family law matters, the court will decide for them.

Texas uses a mathematical formula to determine child support based on the non-custodial parent’s income and several other factors.

If you are a father who cannot agree with your spouse regarding child support issues, you must have a family law attorney who will fight to help you reach an agreement that is beneficial to you and your child.

What Makes Your Divorce Attorney the Best Choice to Help With My Legal Issues?

Our family law firm is passionately committed to assisting fathers with their legal issues. Our compassionate legal team recognizes that many men fear they will not fare well in divorce cases.

Child custody disputes, child support modifications, and spousal support issues must be handled by a family law attorney who is fearless when it comes to standing up for their client’s rights.

The Aberdeen Law Firm of Houston, TX, is dedicated to helping men navigate their divorce by providing quality legal representation. When you come to us for help, we will immediately begin gathering legal documents and other evidence to build your case so that you can begin the next chapter of your life.

No one likes the idea of going through a divorce and dealing with the stress and emotions that come with it. Other Houston divorce lawyers often tell their clients what they want to hear but fail to deliver the desired results.

Our legal team has extensive experience handling family law cases and will fight to resolve your divorce and family law matters so you have the peace of mind you deserve.

Contact The Aberdeen Law Firm at our Houston, TX law office by calling 844-303-0001 and ask to schedule a no-obligation consultation to discuss your case.